Communication |
In Russian language the word communications besides its meaning in English, means also utility lines and is used in a context of technical wires, pipes and equipment for the feeding of electricity, water and gas. Utility lines is something that is hidden behind special panels, floor and ceiling.An artist is looking for the links, the links between everything in the world, he turns invisible into visible.Art exhibitions reveal the process of interaction, connection between people. What I devote this work to are parallels, intersections, junctions, points of contact, beginning and continuation of infinity.
This work is about visible and invisible, about special and casual, about real and unreal, about true and fictitious, about all in the Universe. Two territories for my work indicated by the curator gave me an idea of an approach to the space. Place No.1 is a point of entrance, place No.2 is a point of exit. In the place at the entrance the utility lines emerge. Part of them as images are drawn on the walls, some of them are outlined with metal contour. They start in some points, go into the others, come back into the walls, floor and ceiling. At the exit one can meet them again, as if they have penetrated the Arsenal throughout. They were invisible through the exhibition, but at the exit they appeared again.
February, 2009 |
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